--- Begin Message ---
Hi all,

we added an intermediate version of the upcoming test completion to Pharo
8, it would be cool if you tested it and let us know the results. Here's a
blog post about it - link
and here's a tweet I'd be grateful if you shared - link
<https://twitter.com/myroslavarm/status/1146013653067587584> so perhaps
people who don't read the mailing list would also see it. In the blog post
you can find more info how to enable the completion in the settings and
details about the whole thing in general. If something doesn't work, or if
something works differently than it used to in the old completion (both if
you don't like it or perhaps if you prefer it) let me know either replying
here, on twitter, or submitting an issue request directly for the github
repository here - link

Thanks very much,

--- End Message ---

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