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Hi Cyril,
You are right, I updated Metacello and Tonel and everything is fine also on

CyrilFerlicot wrote
> Le 29/09/2019 à 11:23, Davide Varvello via Pharo-users a écrit :
> Hi,
> NoeJSON seems to be saved with the Tonel format.
> Tonel is by default in Pharo since Pharo 6.1.
> It should be possible to update Metacello and Tonel to be able to load
> this project in Pharo 4+
> Here is a pharo-wiki page explaining how to do it:
> https://github.com/pharo-open-documentation/pharo-wiki/blob/master/General/ExportFormats.md#tonel-supported-pharo-versions
> Have a nice day!
> -- 
> Cyril Ferlicot
> https://ferlicot.fr
> signature.asc (836 bytes)
> <http://forum.world.st/attachment/5104639/0/signature.asc>

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