Looks nice!

Just my two cents. To make function comopostion work with multiple
aruments, I implemented * as:

  BlockClosure class>>* first
    ^ComposedFunction first: first second: self

And use a dedicated class to make multiple arguments work:

  ComposedFunction>>value: arg
    ^second value: (first value: arg)

  ComposedFunction>>value: arg1 value: arg2
    ^second value: (first value: arg1 value arg2)

Then, we can write:

  [:x | x factorial ] * [:x :y | x + y]
    value: 1 value: 2

(I usually use the mathematical compostion operator, wich evalutes from
right to left.)

However, it is often convenient to interchange Symbols and Blocks, e.g.,
the above can be rewritten as

  #factorial * #+
    value: 1 value: 2

That requires to implement the * operator on symbols, too. And depending
on your Smalltalk implemenation, you may have to implement the evaluation
protocol on symbols.

Best, Steffen

Am .10.2019, 15:12 Uhr, schrieb main <johan_forsberg...@hotmail.com>:

Hi again!

Just putting it out there for anyone interested.

What I did was define the following in Object:

|> aBlock
        ^ [ :x | x => self => aBlock ]

and also:

=> msg
        ^ msg value: self

This enabled me to compose like this (I know I probably violate every
in the book, whatever ):

f :=  [ :x | x + 100 ].
g := [ :x | x +   20 ].
h := [ :x | x +     3 ].

0 => (f |> g |> h). 123

Also tried using ~:

0 => (f ~ g ~ h). 123

It's just a matter of taste I guess, but for me it warms my heart

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