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I have to  made this challenge as last on of the OOP book

Servers answering requests

When a server node consumes a packet, it converts the payload to uppercase,
then sends that back to the sender of the request.

This is yet another subclass which redefines the consume: method, but this
time the node is stateless, so we have no initialization or accessor methods to

KANetworkNode subclass: #KANetworkServer
instanceVariableNames: ''
classVariableNames: ''
category: 'NetworkSimulator-Nodes'

KANetworkServer >> consume: aPacket
| response |
response := aPacket payload asUppercase.
self send: (KANetworkPacket
from: self address
to: aPacket sourceAddress
payload: response)

Define a test for the behavior of server nodes.

I tried but I miss something

so far as I have this :

    | packet ping pong link |
    packet := KANetworkPacket from: #ping to: #pong payload: #ball.
    ping := net nodeAt: #ping.
    pong := net nodeAt: #pong.
    link := net linkFrom: #ping to: #pong.
    ping send: packet.
    pong consume: packet.

but whatever I tried I cannot think of a test that works.

I tried

assert:  ping payload equals: #BALL
assert: ping arrievedpackages equals; 1

but they all fail

It looks like ping does not recieve the package back.

What do I do wrong or what can I test better ?

my code so far : https://github.com/RoelofWobben/network

and the problem is the testToServerTest that I cannot make work



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