Or whom to ask

El sáb., 7 de dic. de 2019 09:44, Santiago Bragagnolo <
santiagobragagn...@gmail.com> escribió:

> Maybe Milton has some idea?
> El vie., 6 de dic. de 2019 19:00, Offray Vladimir Luna Cárdenas <
> offray.l...@mutabit.com> escribió:
>> Hi,
>> We were at our usual data activism workshop, trying to visualize a tag
>> cloud some Tweets about the civic strike in Colombia. Is happening all
>> over Latin America, France, Hong Kong..., So would be nice to have a
>> broad overview over the noise created by social media. Anyway, we
>> installed the stable version of Roassal 2 over Pharo 7 and when trying
>> to browse the source code of any example in the example browser we got
>> the following error message when clicking on the Playground tab (nearby
>> to the canvas):
>> Instance of RBSequenceNode did not understand
>> #formattedCodeWithMaxLineLength:
>> This was a good opportunity to show other ways to approach to the code,
>> but I think is important to improve a smoother experience for newcomers,
>> including the ability to go from canvas to the source code in Roassal
>> examples browser.
>> Any clue about what is happening to the Roassal 2 Examples Browser?
>> Thanks,
>> Offray

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