On Sun, Jan 5, 2020, 15:51 xap <x...@router.33mail.com> wrote:

> hi, I'm just starting out w/ pharo and have a question re your code;
> specifically, in
> reject:
>              [ :word | (word sameAs: aWord) or: [ word asLowercase asBag ~=
> charBag ] ]
> is that inner block needed? would it be less smalltalk-esque to write, say:
> reject:
>              [ :w | (w = aWord) or: (w asLowercase asBag ~= charBag) ]
> thx!

The answer to your question is provided by looking at the definition of the
#or: message. Specifically, look on the class Boolean and its subclasses.
They should tell you what kinds of objects are allowed for the argument.

There is also an #| message which does what you have asked the #or: message
to do. Study the differences in their definitions in the Boolean hierarchy.

> separately recently I watched an alan kay interview in which he says an oo
> program is typically much smaller than its imperative counterpart and i
> wondered why. Well, it seems that reduction comes from the language/system
> providing a zillion methods -- asBag, here -- one would otherwise need to
> implement, oneself :)
> --
> Sent from: http://forum.world.st/Pharo-Smalltalk-Users-f1310670.html

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