Thank you, Richard.

Would you be kind enough to annotate the GemStone link to point out that we 
have a free license that permits commercial use, not only personal use.

Thanks again for all your hard work!

On January 28, 2020 2:24:16 PM PST, Richard Kenneth Eng 
<> wrote:
>I've added a Resources page to my new blog:
>It is very much a *curated *list. I felt this was needed because when I
>visit other Smalltalk resources pages, I get overwhelmed by the number
>links and options. It is possible to have *too many* choices.
>Moreover, many of those links are either broken, or they point to
>materials that people may not be interested in.
>As curator, it is my job to present those links that I believe will be
>useful. Of course, this is necessarily very subjective.
>Also, it is likely that I've overlooked some links that others feel are
>useful. However, I am open-minded. If there are Smalltalk links that
>believe I should consider, please let me know.

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