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For the mouse pointer, if you're on Windows, you can have a look at VistaCursor

Metacello new   repository: 'github://astares/Pharo-VistaCursors/src';  
baseline: 'VistaCursors';       load    
It has scale factor available in the settings application.


Feb. 18, 2020, 11:43 by wild.id...@gmail.com:

> I'm also looking forward to Hi-DPI support being fully implemented in Pharo.
> Until then, there is the "Display scale factor" slider and the ability to
> change the font size.  However, most have probably already noticed that
> these controls don't affect the size of the mouse pointer, which can be
> annoying as it's much harder to find on big screens.
> I recently found this posting, which is helpful:
> Scaling for HiDPI in Pharo:
> 1.) Evaluating "MenubarMorph reset" will fix the menu bar scaling factor. 
> 2.) There's a SQUEAK_FAKEBIGCURSOR env var which you can set to 1 to have
> the VM 
> display the cursor twice as big as normal. I've no idea why the word 'FAKE'
> is 
> part of this; from the source it looks like it just creates a normal X11
> cursor 
> that's twice as big as normal. This should work with Cuis, Squeak, and
> Pharo, 
> as it's part of the VM.
> I found that entering "export SQUEAK_FAKEBIGCURSOR=1" will cause standalone
> Pharo to have a normal-looking pointer on 4K displays, but this does not
> seem to work as expected with Pharo Launcher, or images launched with Pharo
> Launcher.
> After some investigation, I determined that the 'pharo-launcher', 'pharo'
> and 'pharo-ui' bash scripts (for Pharo Launcher and Pharo IOT) can be
> modified to make this work. 
> The trick is to add "env SQUEAK_FAKEBIGCURSOR=1" to the front of the command
> that launches the VM/image within the above scripts.
> I've fashioned a set of 'sed' one-liners to automate editing these scripts
> accordingly, and am in the process of making a bash script that will use
> them to add/remove/verify these edits in a user-friendly fashion.  (I also
> have scripts that install Pharo Launcher and Pharo IOT in Linux, that create
> & add clickable launcher icons; my plan was to modify these scripts to write
> the cursor size correction scripts into their respective folders when
> they're installed.)
> I'll make this available when it's complete, likely in the next couple of
> days.
> --
> Sent from: http://forum.world.st/Pharo-Smalltalk-Users-f1310670.html

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