Beautiful ^^

I would vote for inclusion in the base image ?
With your explanation as comments. 

I’ll play with it. 


> Le 12 avr. 2020 à 12:19, Richard O'Keefe <> a écrit :
> I have coded and benchmarked 8 different running mean algorithms.
> In the presence of inexact numbers it is not as accurate as
> redoing the sums, but it's pretty close, and it's fast.
> If "width" is not an integer or is out of range, an error
> will be reported by #new: or #at:[put:].  It's based on Welford's
> stable update.
> Of course this approach does NOT work for trimmed or Winsorised
> means or for medians or any kind of robust estimate of location.
> SequenceableCollection
>   methods for: 'summarising'
>     runningMeans: width
>       |a m d|
>       a := Array new: self size - width + 1.
>       m := 0.
>       1 to: width do: [:i |
>         m := (self at: i) + m].
>       m := m / width.  
>       d := 1.
>       a at: d put: m.
>       width + 1 to: self size do: [:i |
>         m := ((self at: i) - (self at: d)) / width + m.
>         d := d + 1. 
>         a at: d put: m].
>       ^a

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