Hi all,

Pharo Launcher 2.0 has just been released! It is available from 
http://pharo.org/download <http://pharo.org/download>.

This new version introduces major changes:
The UI has been fully rewritten using the new Spec2 framework 
<https://github.com/pharo-spec/Spec> and the Commander2 library 
<https://github.com/pharo-spec/Commander2>. UI has been revamped to increase 
usability, especially for newcomers. The main window is now composed of a 
toolbar and the list of images. The template list is now available when 
clicking on the new image button.
Documentation web site : All Pharo Launcher features are now explained in the 
new documentation available at https://pharo-project.github.io/pharo-launcher. 
You can contribute easily by clicking the *edit on GitHub* button.
You can now have many launch configurations for an image (VM to use, vm and 
image arguments). It means you can use headless Pharo VM from Pharo Launcher.
When creating a new image, you can specify an initialisation script that will 
be run once at the first image launch. It is useful to load your project code 
in a stock Pharo image for example. See 
You can now define your own template sources in addition to official sources 
 including authenticated sources.
Improved image metadata. Pharo Launcher now manages all image metadata in a 
single STON file (including description, Pharo version).

Big thanks to all contributors, including issue reports. It is also the 
opportunity to thanks Damien Cassou, the original author of Pharo Launcher.

Here is the changelog:
Pharo Launcher v2.0 

The list of closed issue is too long (68) to be listed but you can browse it 
Here are some highlights:
New features:

Documentation web site
Image initialisation script
Launch configurations, headless VM support
User template file in addition to the official template file
Jenkins server template now support pipeline projects
Support of private Jenkins server
Support of authenticated HTTP server

Monitoring of image launch failures to give back the error message (if any)
Newly created image is automatically selected in the image list
Allow to set image description at creation time
Better error management (you will have the choice to ignore them or debug them)
Add a poor version column in image list
Speedup (especially when image repository has a lot of images)

Bug fixes:

Fix use of system unzip on Windows

The Pharo team.

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