On Sat, Apr 25, 2020, 15:50 tbrunz <wild.id...@gmail.com> wrote:

> Hi Richard,
> I looked the repo; he's defined 3 classes: one for packets, one for nodes,
> and one for links.  So yes, he instantiates links.  Likely each node has a
> collection of links (each of which leads to another node in the network).
> The application is to simulate a network by modeling it in ST, so that
> means
> generating packets, each with a destination node (where nodes have
> addresses), and simulating how the packets flow through the network to get
> from their source nodes to their destination nodes.
> I hadn't though about sending the blocks to the nodes via the packets, but
> that *is* a cool concept... And entirely do-able in Pharo.  However, if the
> exercise is to make a simple network model that runs to simulate network
> operation, I doubt that's what they're looking for, though (since it's not
> what you typically do in a packet network).  I think they just want you to
> model the packet-handling behavior, and that's what the block is for.  (I
> may be wrong.)

Thanks, Ted. That makes sense. I agree the problem is almost certainly not
about sending blocks. Silly of me, really. I didn't see anything in this
thread that explained the block.

I could imagine that a link object knows how to deliver a packet to the
node and the node object knows how to receive the packet. (Or something
like that)

> -Ted
> --
> Sent from: http://forum.world.st/Pharo-Smalltalk-Users-f1310670.html

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