Thanks Hernan!

I will try to find out what the problem is with your shape file.

Btw is the code for reading/writing dbf files already available on github?


From: Hernán Morales Durand <>
Sent: vrijdag 5 juni 2020 0:25
To: Any question about pharo is welcome <>
Subject: Re: [Pharo-users] GIS support for Pharo

Hi Hans,

El jue., 4 jun. 2020 a las 6:07, Baveco, Hans 
(<<>>) escribió:
Would be an interesting project..
An old link to possibly still useful code:

Btw the shapefile support, from the ESRI spec, was done by me and is still 
available on

Thank you for the clarification (and actually sharing your work with ESRI 
I added proper credits in the Github forked repo :

I use it daily. I may have some fixes/additions, but in general the code as 
provided works well (I suppose the code at smalltalkhub is still mostly the 
same). Some shapefile formats are still missing, mostly because I never 
encountered them..

You mean some types are missing? Because I get this error when I try to read 
some SHP files: "Types > 20 are not yet accounted for"

I wrote this script to reproduce:

 | shpE legend urlRoot urlESRIFilePrefix urlESRIFileShp urlPath response 
fileRef |

" Download Shapefile resources "
urlRoot := 
urlESRIFilePrefix := 'ne_110m_populated_places'.
urlESRIFileShp := urlESRIFilePrefix , '.shp'.
urlPath := urlRoot , urlESRIFilePrefix.

#('.shx' '.dbf' '.shp') do: [ : ext |
| url |
url :=  (urlPath , ext , '?raw=true') asZnUrl.
(response := ZnEasy get: url) isSuccess
ifFalse: [ self error: 'Cannot download file' ].
fileRef := FileSystem disk workingDirectory / (urlESRIFilePrefix , ext).
fileRef writeStreamDo: [ : stream |
stream nextPutAll: ((ZnByteEncoder newForEncoding: 'koi8r') decodeBytes: 
response contents ) ] ].

Once downloaded:

| urlESRIFilePrefix urlESRIFileShp shpE |
urlESRIFilePrefix := 'ne_110m_populated_places'.
urlESRIFileShp := urlESRIFilePrefix , '.shp'.

" Load and display it in Morphic "
shpE := ShapeEnsemble fromFile: urlESRIFileShp.

Maybe it's related with the fact they are encoded as koi8r?
I checked with Zinc downloading first from the browser:

| shpFile |
shpFile := 'ne_110m_admin_0_countries.shp' asFileReference.
[ shpFile binaryReadStreamDo: [ : in |
                (ZnCharacterEncoder detectEncoding: in upToEnd) identifier ] ]
        on: ZnCharacterEncodingError
        do: [ nil ].



To read a complete shapefile one also needs to read dbf files. This was another 
substantial effort; 
luckily  there was an older implementation.available to build upon.
Not sure whether nowadays there are other ways to read/write files old DBASE 
format files...


Hans Baveco

From: Serge Stinckwich 
Sent: donderdag 4 juni 2020 5:32
To: Any question about pharo is welcome 
Subject: [Pharo-users] GIS support for Pharo

Dear all,

there was already some discussion in the list about GIS support for Pharo 

Working on CORMAS multi-agent simulation platform: some developers feel the need to have more GIS 
support for Pharo.

I know of existing GIS software:
- GeoJSON by Zweidenker:
- ESRI ascii raster, done by Stephane recently:
- shapefile support by Hernan:!/~hernan/Shapes
(to be moved to github)
- I found this project also:

I know that Etienne Delay is also interested by GIS support and propose to 
implement OpenGIS model support:

Can we try to unite and maybe create a pharo-GIS organization on github to 
federate our efforts?

Serge Stinckwic

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