I think that we will have to buy one of such device.
What would be a good choice?
I know Olivier runs pharo on his without problem,
@olivier which Chrome book do you suggest us to buy?


> On 8 Jun 2020, at 00:40, tbrunz <wild.id...@gmail.com> wrote:
> Hi Pablo,
> I'm seeing the same thing on a Chromebook "Pixelbook" Crostini (Linux)
> container: 
> Debian v9 ("stretch"), Linux kernel 4.9.0-12, recently updated.  The system
> has 8GB RAM & 128GB SSD.
> The ChromeOS version in 81.0.4044.141.
> I'm running the latest Pharo Launcher, 2.0-2020.04.07, VM 5.0-202002121043.
> Just opening Pharo Launcher, and without even launching an image, I'm seeing
> the same tearing and rendering problems as Jan.  If I open the Settings
> dialog, it partially renders, and when I try to move the window, I get the
> tearing behavior.
> And I was also able to run PL & images on this platform without problems in
> the past.  (It's been at least a month since I tried running Pharo on a
> Chromebook.)
> -Ted
> --
> Sent from: http://forum.world.st/Pharo-Smalltalk-Users-f1310670.html

Stéphane Ducasse
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