This code should give you a clue of how to do what you want. You can file it
in or type it in yourself. You can run it from the playground with the
command -

SimpleExample new openWithSpec.

How it works - You need to subclass SpPresenter. You need to set up an
instance method called initializePresenters to create a text input and a
button. You then create aninstance method called connectPresenters to put a
handler on to the button.

You need a class side method called defaultSpec to layout the button and the
text input

That's it.

Note that you have to hit enter to register any change in the text field.
You will need the transcript open to see the results in this example.

Hope this helps 

SpPresenter subclass: #SimpleExample
        instanceVariableNames: 'myButton myTextField'
        classVariableNames: ''
        package: 'KMP-SimpleSpecExample'!

!SimpleExample methodsFor: 'as yet unclassified' stamp: 'KMP 7/28/2020
super initialize ! !

!SimpleExample methodsFor: 'initialization' stamp: 'KMP 7/28/2020 16:31'!
myButton := self newButton .
myButton label:'Click Me'.
myTextField := self newTextInput.
! !

!SimpleExample methodsFor: 'initialization' stamp: 'KMP 7/28/2020 16:29'!
"Put what you want to do when the button is clicked hhere"
 myButton whenActivatedDo: [ Transcript show: myTextField text].! !

"-- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- "!

SimpleExample class
        instanceVariableNames: ''!

!SimpleExample class methodsFor: 'specs' stamp: 'KMP 7/28/2020 16:30'!

^ SpBoxLayout newVertical 
                borderWidth: 10;
                spacing: 10;
                add: #myTextField  expand: false;
                add: #myButton expand: false;
                yourself! !

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