Hello, Robert

 I have checked previously and seems that there is not a component to
present PDF in Gtk basic library.
Gtk components are intended to be building blocks to other more complex UI.
For doing what you are intending maybe it is required to build a more
complex window using Gtk components.
One alternative is to do a binding with the Ghostscript library
(https://www.ghostscript.com/doc/current/Lib.htm) that already
provides all the support to render PDFs.
It is designed to call the interested user with a callback with
instructions how to render the content.
This rendering can be later done directly in Morphic or in Athens. In
both cases, they can be shown as part of a GTK window.

Another alternative is to check the implementation of Evince (the GTK
based PDF presenter of Gnome) to check if it provides a component that
can be extracted.
It was supposed to be a reusable component but there is lack of
documentation of it (https://developer.gnome.org/libevview/stable/)


On Sun, Aug 16, 2020 at 5:48 PM <rob...@robkuz.com> wrote:
> Hi,
> what is the best way to integrate a PDF Viewer with a Spec2 / GTK3 
> application on Windows?
> I couldn’t find any mentioning of PDF viewer on the GTK3 site.
> Thx for your help
> Best
> Robert

Pablo Tesone.

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