I recommend against modifying time instances once created. Likewise for
dates and timestamps.You don't know if the time instance has been shared
with another object. It's best to treat them as immutable once created.

Do not make the mistake of trying to avoid creating new objects. It will
lead to contorted code and all sorts of complications. (Of course, be
careful not to create a bazillion objects unnecessarily!)

The same advice applies to creating classes. Some languages have a high
cost to define a new class, usually psychological. This leaves their
programmers "allergic" (or acting as if they were) to creating a new class
that would make a solution better. In Smalltalk, a class is just an object.

In terms of how to model time, you *could* have the time object just store
the count of intervals since the start of the day. But, if you want Times
with microsecond resolution or nanosecond resolution, you would always be
working with a LargeInteger internally.
VA Smalltalk Time has ('hours' 'minutes' 'seconds' 'milliseconds'
VisualWorks Time has ('hours' 'minutes' 'seconds' 'milliseconds'
Pharo (5.0) Time has ('seconds' 'nanos')

It can be useful to trade space efficiency for comprehensibility. Often,
focussing on space efficiency results in convoluted code for little other
benefit. It's a good idea to start by modelling the concepts that we
discuss when describing something. My cookoo clock has an hour hand and a
minute hand. It has no concept of seconds, per se. It has a time tick, but
whether that is exactly one second, I don't know. Probably not. The
pendulum doesn't move that fast. So, if modelling a cookoo clock, modelling
the hours and minutes it shows is a reasonable design.

In some respects, modelling your Time as a number of minutes into the day
would simplify normalizing the arguments to the instance creation methods.
Just compute the requested number of minutes, perform the modulus to limit
the size of a day, and you are done. In the absence of a constraint imposed
by the author of the problem, you are free to implement a solution that
presents the expected results.

On Mon, Aug 31, 2020 at 10:12 PM Roelof Wobben <r.wob...@home.nl> wrote:

> Op 1-9-2020 om 00:22 schreef Richard Sargent:
> On Mon, Aug 31, 2020 at 3:10 PM Roelof Wobben <r.wob...@home.nl> wrote:
>> Op 31-8-2020 om 23:45 schreef Richard Sargent:
>> On Mon, Aug 31, 2020 at 1:57 PM Roelof Wobben <r.wob...@home.nl> wrote:
>>> I would argue against that approach. Make it a requirement that a given
>>> API must be used with correct values.
>>> e.g. #hours:minutes: requires hours between 00 and 23 and minutes
>>> between 00 and 59.
>>> If you want to convert equivalent time values, use a specific API. For
>>> example, many time implementations publicly define a seconds-based API,
>>> such as Time class>>#fromSeconds:. You can do the same with your
>>> implementation with a class-side #fromMinutes: method. (The corresponding
>>> instance methods would be #asSeconds and #asMinutes or something similar.)
>>> Moment, I do not know if I understand you right.
>>> so I would use the given method and use on the instance another function
>>> that takes care of the converting to or a valid time object or for example
>>> convert it to minutes and on display take care that a valid time is shown.
>>> Do I understand you right ?
>> I don't think you do, but it's a little difficult to determine.
>> *Time hours: 0 minutes: 70* should throw an out of range exception on
>> the second argument.
>> Time fromMinutes: 70 "should" answer an instance equivalent to 01:00. (I
>> say should in quotes, because Time is a point in time. Duration is
>> something that makes more sense to have *Duration minutes: 70* be
>> acceptable.)
>> This discussion assumes *your* model of time uses just hours and
>> minutes. Normally, Time includes seconds, and often fractions of seconds.
>> But, you are working on an exercise, so a reduced scope Time may be
>> appropriate.
>> Rather than talking about Time class>>#fromMinutes:, let's go a little
>> more extreme and discuss a hypothetical Time class>>#fromHours: method. We
>> understand and agree that Time can represent hours from 0 through 23. There
>> is no 24 o'clock. So, if you wrote *Time fromHours: 25*, what would you
>> expect to get for a result? What would someone who comes along later and
>> uses your code expect to get? It's not well defined. So extrapolate from
>> that case to the other cases. 70 minutes is not a time. "I'll meet you
>> *at* 70 minutes" said no one ever. :-) ["*in* 70 minutes" is a duration
>> from the present moment, implying a time 70 minutes in the future.]
>> I have come across a lot of code in my life. The hardest code to work
>> with and to enhance is code that says it will try to accept whatever it's
>> given. If it wants a number, it will accept a string of digits and "figure
>> out" what number was meant. Life is so much easier when the author says
>> "That's rubbish. Give me a proper number." or "That's too big. Give me a
>> proper number of hours.", etc.
>> In general, make your APIs precise and predictable. Range check the
>> passed values and complain when they aren't proper. If the clock you are
>> modelling has a precision of minutes, your API is #hours:minutes: and maybe
>> just #hours: for convenience. (In general, I wouldn't do so.) And it's
>> reasonable to have methods to answer the number of increments from the
>> start of the day of your clock's precision and to create a new instance
>> from that number. So, with a precision of minutes, you can have an instance
>> method named e.g. #asMinutes or perhaps #totalMinutes or even
>> #minutesSinceMidnight, and to have a corresponding *class* method
>> #fromMinutes: or #minutesFromMidnight: which answers the corresponding
>> instance of Time. If your clock has a precision of seconds, which is more
>> normal for us, those "minutes" methods would actually be similarly named
>> "seconds" methods instead. (If your clock has a precision finer than
>> seconds, I would expect to see corresponding methods for the finer
>> gradations of time that would be common, *in addition to* the various
>> "seconds" methods. e.g. milliseconds or microseconds since midnight. And
>> likely both if the clock resolution was microseconds, just because we do
>> tend to think of milliseconds or microseconds when we talk of more precise
>> times.)
>> I understad but here im stuck at what the person who made this challenge
>> has said.
>> And unfortunalty  he/she has deciced that what I said earlier the code
>> schould convert invalid time objects to valid time objects.
>> If I have made this myself I would make it as you said so  when a time in
>> invalid thrown a error.
> I understand. You have constraints. In that case, where you would do
> validation in #hours:minutes: (class side), do normalization instead. If
> either argument is out of range (starting with the minutes), keep the
> remainder and add the excess to the next value. If hours go out of range,
> discard the excess. You may need to tolerate negative values. The
> arithmetic is still straight forward. If not, you still need to validate
> for them.
>> Roelof
> Sorry to be throwing ideas but it is not better to keep everything in for
> examples minutes . So when I add minutes or substract minutes there does
> not have to make a new clock all the time.
> I could then make the converting from minutes to hours and minitues when I
> want to display it.
> So I have more flexiblility when for example the output format needs to be
> changed.

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