Yes, my thoughts - since I'm not as technical as the rest of you:

BowlingGame class
"runs the game a calls each frame to 'process'"
- frames (1-10 aFrame objects)
- score (aScore object)
- currentFrame

Frame class
"frame handles #throws, pins remaining, and lets Game know when to advance
to next frame - frameEnd"
- frame#
- throws (1-3 aThrow objects - aFrame controls 10th frame 3rd throw)
- score (numeric)

Throw class
- frame (the frame I belong to)
- throw# (incremental numeric 1-3)
- pinsKnockedDown (0-10)

Score class
- frames (same as BowlingGame class)
- methods to calculate score, once a frame score has been determined, it is
stored on the frame and the score calc simply picks that up and moves
forward on each successive score calc (after each throw - called from
inside of aFrame)

This will be a fun little diversion.  I'll create a simple UI and engine
that will randomly return a number of pinsKnockedDown when pressing the
spacebar to roll the next ball.

On Fri, Sep 25, 2020 at 3:11 PM DavidBajger <> wrote:

> Thanks for your reply! Anyway.. wow, 3 lines of code, I'd like to see
> that! I
> didn't really get into FLP (except some small howeworks on University and
> that's alraeady forgotten), so I don't know, what is the advantage here. I
> thought that Pharo (Smalltalk) can be considered as functional language
> too,
> because of blocks. If there wouldn't be any exception handling, would Pharo
> code be so compact as well (e.g. by using #inject:into:)?
> -----
> David Bajger
> --
> Sent from:

Russ Whaley

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