On Mon, Oct 05, 2020 at 11:23:25PM +0100, Tim Mackinnon wrote:
> I know there is Sven’s P3 - but I’m not sure I’m ready to run and
> maintain a SQL database for a simple application, but could be
> persuaded it its simple to setup with little maintenance. Would mongo
> be a suggestion - is that easy to setup and run? (And is that
> Voyage?).
> Possibly I could even use image persistence, and fuel out a Dictionary
> from time to time - but I think that might be a little bit too belt
> and braces for me.

Hi Tim,

If you are familiar with Docker then starting a database server is easy
that way. Assuming you pick a 'boring' product then what matters for
your app is the quality of the database interface code on Pharo for that
product. For PostgreSQL and MySQL no problem. I've not used Mongo itself
nor Voyage so no comment.

If you neither want to run a separate database server nor roll your own
writing out to Fuel etc, then you're looking at 'embedded' databases.
For pure Smalltalk, Omnibase or SimplePersistence. If you are ok with
something that uses FFI, then SQLite, Unqlite and probably others.

Personally I'd choose SQLite because it is boring - ubiquitous, high
quality, and importantly unlike the pure Smalltalk and many embedded
key-value databases there is a plethora of external tools that operate
on SQLite databases which will help your debugging. 

For SQL databases you can also use an ORM like Glorp or ReStore.

Finally there are also NoSQL-as-a-service like Google Firebase. 

Many options. Great time sinks. :-) Have fun.

- PostgreSQL - https://github.com/svenvc/p3
- MySQL - https://github.com/pharo-rdbms/Pharo-MySQL
- Omnibase - https://github.com/sebastianconcept/OmniBase 
- SimplePersistence - https://github.com/seandenigris/Simple-Persistence
- SQLite - https://github.com/pharo-rdbms/Pharo-SQLite3
- Unqlite - https://github.com/mumez/PunQLite
- Glorp - https://github.com/pharo-rdbms/glorp
- ReStore - https://github.com/rko281/ReStoreForPharo
- Firebase - https://github.com/psvensson/firebase-st
- Choose Boring Technology - http://boringtechnology.club/


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