Tried thru iceberg - used the option: Clone from GH and then say clone any

- SeasideST/Seaside
- ba-st/willow
- magritte-metamodel/magritte
... any other for that matter

and then right-click->Metacello->install baseline of <>
... and ... Duplicate name appears

Esteban Lorenzano wrote
> This is likely you are using two different URLs to clone the project
> (maybe from a fork?).
> Name is not a key, clone URL is... so, iceberg cannot know you are cloning
> same project?
> Esteban
> On Jan 26 2021, at 11:59 pm, Tim Mackinnon &lt;

> tim@

> &gt; wrote:
>> Hi guys - its been a while since I’ve had chance to code in Pharo - but I
>> found a moment to pick up an old project - but when I load it into a
>> fresh P8 image using a baseline - it seems to duplicate my project in
>> iceberg? Whats up with that - is this a regression, or is it something
>> abnormal about my project?

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