Exceptions are real, so your use case might justify it.
In my experience I never had to test whether an announcer has some
subscription, and before using announcements whether an object has some
"listener" to some event.

I always saw announcements as a fire and forget kind of architecture.

Not sure if I'm answering your question (probably not), but let's start
this conversation :-)

Esteban A. Maringolo

On Tue, Apr 27, 2021 at 11:04 AM Tim Mackinnon <tim@testit.works> wrote:

> From my rather long ramble below - I am still curious if its distasteful
> to have a method on Announcer
> hasSubscriptionsHandling: anAnnouncement
> "Answer true if I have any subscribers to anAnnouncement"
> ^(registry subscriptionsHandling: anAnnouncement ) notEmpty
> Tim
> On Thu, 22 Apr 2021, at 11:34 PM, Tim Mackinnon wrote:
> > Hi everyone - I’ve always thought the article on announcements many
> > years ago was very cool - and we don’t seem to use them as much as we
> > could (but equally they aren’t a panacea to be overused everywhere
> > either - and they do get used in Pharo to some extent).
> >
> > Anyway, I’ve been playing around with CodeParadise (CP is a very cool
> > project, and Erik is very supportive and thinking about how to write
> > web apps a different way… I’m fascinated),
> >
> > And - CP uses announcements as mechanism to send events from the View
> > Client (in a web browser) to a Presenter on the server (which makes
> > total sense).
> >
> > In taking things for a spin, I hit an interesting problem on how in a
> > web component world, you should display a spelling test of words -
> >
> > e.g. SpellingTest — has many —> SpellingWord(s).
> >
> >
> > Initially I bunged it all in a single presenter with its associated
> > view, and it was a bit messy, and Erik guided me down a route (that CP
> > nicely supports) - that my SpellingTest view should have the name/date
> > of the test as well as an add word input field, but the list of current
> > Words (which I had bunged into a table) - were actually more elegant as
> > sub-components - hence a WordView - which renders a single word in a
> > DIV, and for the edit screen I was creating, a Delete button next to
> > the word (so you could delete it). So a 1 to many relationship
> > essentials.
> >
> > This is where the announcements kick in (and lead to my ultimate
> question).
> >
> > When you click the Delete button, if I use a sub component - my view
> > will generate a DeleteWordAnnouncement - which gets fed to my
> > SpellingWordPresenter - however words in this sense don’t naturally
> > know their parent (the SpellingTest) - and its the parent test that has
> > a #deleteWord: method.
> >
> > I’ve been taking with Erik, on different ways to elegantly handle this.
> >
> > a) you could change the model so words know their parent (in my case,
> > I’m using a 3rd party model for Flashcards, and they just don’t know
> > this - and adapting them would be a nuisance
> > b) my TestPresenter could listen to announcements on the WordPresenter
> > - and I could get some communications between presenters (although
> > normally the Presenters just get events from Views, and pure domain
> > models - so it feels a bit abnormal to consider another Presenter as a
> > sort of model - but I could live with this
> > c) given the composable nature of views/presenters (and CP is base on a
> > WebComponent model) - you could bubble up Announcements, so that if an
> > event isn’t handled by a view’s immediate presenter, you could re-route
> > it to the parent of the View (the component owner) and see if it’s
> > presenter could do something.
> >
> >
> > I think (c) has a certain expectation to it - in fact when I converted
> > my initial one-presenter attempt into components, I still had listener
> > code in my TestPresenter that was expecting to get a deleteWord
> > announcement and I was initially surprised that I wasn’t getting it (as
> > it was now just going to the Word component I had refactored out).
> >
> > So I wonder if others here would expect things to work this way too
> > (and are there other examples in the wild that lead you here - or scare
> > you away from this?).
> >
> > Back to  my Announcement question - if C is a good idea - why doesn’t
> > the Announcer class let you check if if will handle a particular
> > announcement? The API has  #hasSubscriber: and #hasSubscriberClass: ,
> > but its missing:
> >
> > hasSubscriptionsHandling: anAnnouncement
> >       "Answer true if I have any subcribers to anAnnouncement"
> >
> >       ^(registry subscriptionsHandling: anAnnouncement ) notEmpty
> >
> >
> > And I am wondering if this is because it's a bad thing to expect to be
> > able to check? In my case above, I would want to do this to know if CP
> > should instead try announcing a message to a parent presenter because
> > the current presenter won’t handle it.  In my example above, my
> > WordComponentView will broadcast that the delete button was clicked,
> > but its actually a parent view which would reasonably want to listen to
> > this kind of event and process the delete.  And in a many words
> > scenario (the Test has many words), its unrealistic for the parent to
> > register to listen to each word component individually (in fact CP sort
> > of hides this from you), however if you could listen to an event in
> > your TestView, it seems to come out quite nicely  - and looks a bit
> > like this:
> >
> > viewCreated
> >       super viewCreated.
> >
> >       self view
> >               when: CpNavigationAnnouncement
> >                       do: [ :action | self model goto: action location ];
> >
> >               when: CpAddWordAnnouncement do: [ :action | self addWord:
> action data
> > ];
> >               when: CpDeleteWordAnnouncement do: [ :action | self
> deleteWord:
> > action data ]. <— this is the one I’m talking about
> >
> >
> > So I’m curious on the overall thought process here, but in particular
> > whether I should even submit a PR on Announcer for
> > #hasSubscriptionsHandling: ?
> >
> > Tim
> >
> >

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