Woups, sorry :D

On 05/05/2021 13:23, hogoww wrote:

In today's sync we talked about the idea, progress, paper planing.

Basically the same as the previous mail so I'll not detail it here.
The Slides are trying to give some details & a global view.
They are, however not well ordered, and an inlining problem is missing.
I'll update them quickly this afternoon, and send them back, hopefully this will help.

I've done the poc to extract & graft a method.
(details in slides/mail)

Paper planning.
2 papers planned (possibly 3 If I were to dream a bit)
First paper for GPCE on Transpiling & mutating tests.
I'm putting a very short description to see that we all agree and that I'm not mistaken.
The point is to test *Slang*.
We are translating the tests and looking for asynchronicity for the test execution between the simulation & binary.
This allows that the Slang compiler preserve the semantics.

2nd Paper on incremental compiler development
see Slides & previous mail.
A possible title would be: "Test driven incremental development of a compiler using a software"

3d Test prioritization
Possible heuristic on test prioritization
One is hinted in the last slide.
Noury offered another one which is to focus on getting fast green tests.
However this would require a new state of the art for a different domain.

Next up:
- Work on paper
- Finding some mutations to apply on tests and classify them
- Try to get some numbers on results !


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