
In practice it is the equivalent, since the ffiCall has a return type and it 
takes precedence over the ^ of Pharo.
Personally, I often add the ^ to ffiCalls that have a return to easy the 
reading, but the output will be the same.

On May 10 2021, at 2:12 pm, Tomaž Turk <tomaz.t...@ef.uni-lj.si> wrote:
> Dear all,
> Should the method that calls Object>>#ffiCall: and variants always return the 
> result of this call? For instance, in uFFI book, there is a method abs: 
> defined as
> FFITutorial class >> abs: n [
> ^ self ffiCall: #( int abs (int n) )
> ]
> on page 16, however
> FFITutorial >> abs: n [
> self ffiCall: #( int abs (int n) )
> ]
> on page 52 doesn't have an explicit return ^. The book, however, in most of 
> the examples uses the explicit return. What is the recommended approach?
> Thanks,
> Tomaz

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