Well, I noticed that it was working on gtk backend but not in morphic

this works perfect:
| extent |
extent := 350@300.
SpAthensPresenter new
application: (SpApplication new useBackend: #Gtk);
surfaceExtent: extent;
drawBlock: [ :aCanvas | | paint surface |
surface := aCanvas surface.
paint := surface
createLinearGradient: {
0->Color red.
1->Color green }
start: 0@0
stop: surface extent.
surface clear.
aCanvas setPaint: paint.
aCanvas drawShape: (0@0 corner: surface extent) ];

but it does not work if you change the backend for morphic.
Anyway, I submit a fix:
It will be in image soon :)
On May 24 2021, at 8:06 pm, kmo <vox...@gmail.com> wrote:
> I should also point out that nothing works unless I also set a 
> surfaceExtentwhen the presenter is set up -
> initializePresenters
> rosesAthensPresenter := RosesAthensPresenter new.
> rosesAthensPresenter surfaceExtent: 400 @ 400.
> rosesAthensPresenter drawBlock: [ :aCanvas |
> | paint surface |
> surface := aCanvas surface.
> paint := surface
> createLinearGradient: {
> (0 -> Color blue).
> (1 -> Color black) }
> start: 0 @ 0
> stop: 300 @ 300.
> surface clear.
> aCanvas setPaint: paint.
> aCanvas drawShape: (0 @ 0 corner: 300 @ 300) ].
> --
> Sent from: http://forum.world.st/Pharo-Smalltalk-Users-f1310670.html

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