> On 19 Oct 2021, at 00:17, Yanni Chiu <yannix...@gmail.com> wrote:
> A good use case is when one of the downloads fails. When it’s just one big 
> one then you have start over from the beginning.

Yes, that is a good use case for the Range feature.

It is possible to configure ZnClient to retry when a request fails, for example:

  client numberOfRetries: 3; retryDelay: 2 "seconds".

could be added to the example.

> On Mon, Oct 18, 2021 at 11:05 AM Sven Van Caekenberghe <s...@stfx.eu> wrote:
> Hi,
> Somebody asked how you would split single HTTP Request into multiple 
> concurrent requests. This is one way to do it.
> Upfront I should state that 
> - I do no think this is worth the trouble
> - It is only applicable to large downloads (even larger than in the example)
> - The other side (server) must honour Range requests correctly (and be fast)
> This one is based on the data used in the ZnHTTPSTest(s)>>#testTransfers 
> units test. More specifically the files available under 
> https://s3-eu-west-1.amazonaws.com/public-stfx-eu/ such as 
> https://s3-eu-west-1.amazonaws.com/public-stfx-eu/test-2050.txt for the 
> smallest one.
> sizes := (Integer primesUpTo: 100) collect: [ :each | 1024 * each + each ].
> size := sizes last.
> concurrency := 11.
> step := size // concurrency.
> ranges := (0 to: size - 1 by: step) collect: [ :each |
>   { each. (each + step) min: size } ].
> chunks := Array new: ranges size.
> done := Semaphore new.
> ms := 0.
> [
> ms := Time millisecondClockValue.
> ranges withIndexDo: [ :range :index | 
>   [ | client |
>      (client := ZnClient new)
>         https;
>         host: 's3-eu-west-1.amazonaws.com';
>         addPath: 'public-stfx-eu'.
>      client addPath: ('test-{1}.txt' format: { size }).
>      client headerAt: #Range put: ('bytes={1}-{2}' format: range).
>      client get.
>      client close.
>      chunks at: index put: client contents.
>      done signal ] forkAt: Processor lowIOPriority ].
> ranges size timesRepeat: [ done wait ].
> ms := Time millisecondsSince: ms.
> (String empty join: chunks) inspect.
> ] fork.
> This takes about 2 seconds total for me.
> [
>    ZnClient new
>      https;
>      host: 's3-eu-west-1.amazonaws.com';
>      addPath: 'public-stfx-eu';
>      addPath: 'test-99425.txt';
>      get.
> ] timeToRun.
> Which is roughly similar to the single request (again, for me).
> Two things to note: connection time dominates, in the parallel case, 11 
> independent requests were executed, so concurrency is definitively happening.
> The largest size file is just 100k, split in about 10 parts, which is most 
> probably not enough to see much effect from doing things in parallel.
> HTH,
> Sven

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