
Inria Lille is recruiting one phd student and two interns to work on
object-centric debugging within the OCRE project (ANR).


Debugging is difficult and costly. 

Object-centric debugging is a young technique arguing that focusing the
scope of debugging on specific objects considerably eases the tracking
and the understanding of hard bugs in Object-Oriented Programs (OOP). 
But it lacks fundamental bricks to be applicable in practice. 
Therefore, it has never been empirically evaluated.

The objectives of the OCRE project are to study the fundamental and
practical limits that hinder the implementation, the evaluation, and the
adoption of object-centric debugging. 

We propose to build the first generation of object-centric debuggers, in
order to identify and evaluate its real benefits to OOP debugging. We
argue that these debuggers have the potential to drastically lower the
cost (time and effort) of tracking and understanding hard bugs in OOP. 


The goal of this PhD is to understand and to achieve the full potential
of object-centric debugging by:
- identifying the precise scenarios for object-centric debugging,
- studying means to obtain objects to debug,
- studying the implementation requirements for object-centric debuggers
and to implement prototypes,
- evaluate empirically object-centric debugging using these prototypes. 

The full detailed offer is available here:


These two internships aim at helping the design and the implementation
of an object-centric debugger, by unveiling knowledge without which
object-centric debuggers cannot be built and evaluated, or cannot be
used in practice. 

Internship 1 - Identifying and acquiring objects to debug 

The objective of this internship is to study the practical problems of
acquiring objects to debug.
The intern will characterize the scenarios in which developers need to
identify objects to debug and explore these scenarios by implementing

Internship 2 - Evaluating object-centric debugging scenarios

The objective of this internship is to identify and to evaluate the
debugging scenarios that are the most likely to benefit from
object-centric debugging. 
The intern will interrogate real developers about object-centric
debugging scenarios, then implement prototypes and evaluate them
empirically with developers to validate these scenarios.


Location: Lille, France

- starting date: preferably october 2022, but it can start before.
- duration: 3 years (fully funded)
- the candidate must hold a Master or an equivalent degree

- starting date: anytime
- duration: 4-6 months
- the candidate must be studying for a Master degree or equivalent (1st
or 2nd year, equivalent to M1 or M2 in France) 


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