Dear all,

I'm constructing a rudimentary webview library for Pharo with UFFI (available 
 "";)). For now, the basic things work 
under Windows. I’m using “a tiny cross-platform webview library“ available at 

One of the functions in the dll allows to register a C function to act as a 
callback and that can be used as a function in javascript, which is convenient 
for webview presenter - main program communication. This function has the 

extern void webview_bind(webview_t w, const char *name,
                              void (*fn)(const char *seq, const char *req,
                                         void *arg),
                              void *arg);

fn is the callback function. 

Is there any way to make a ffiCall description of this kind of signature, where 
fn would be an address of the callback in Pharo?

Thanks and best wishes,\

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