Hi, I’m new to the Pharo users mailing list and to Pharo in general, too.

My goal is to make a CRUD web application using Seaside, Magritte, GLORP and 
MariaDB (MySQL-like RDBMS).

I already test-drove GLORP with PostgreSQL-P3, with success.

But I need MariaDB because it implements SQL:2011 (which Postgres lacks 
currently) thus enabling the use of system-versioned and bi-temporal tables.

Currently I don’t need GLORP to handle any of the SQL:2011 features as the 
versioning would be invisible to the web app, it is needed only for auditing 

I tried to make the system work be installing the MySQL driver into a fresh 
Pharo9 image:

Metacello new
        repository: 'github://pharo-rdbms/Pharo-MySQL';
        baseline: 'MySQL';

Since the package 'MySQL-Glorp' didn't load, I installed it manually from 
github. (Sorry but I'm noob to work with baselines, Iceberg, Monticello and 

Then loaded GLORP:
Metacello new
        repository: 'github://pharo-rdbms/glorp';
        baseline: 'Glorp';

Then I tried to do everything in a similar manner to how I did it with P3:

login := Login new
database: MySQLPlatform new;
username: 'root';
password: '\*\*\*\*';
host: '<my host>';
port: '3306';
databaseName: 'test'.

accessor := DatabaseAccessor forLogin: login.
accessor login.
accessor isLoggedIn. >>> true

Yay, very nice.

session := GlorpBookDescriptorSystem sessionForLogin: login.

 \*GlorpBookDescriptorSystem is subclass of DescriptorSystem. It comes from the 
demo from pharobooks with an example on how to use GLORP with P3. It contains 
the demo class models, descriptors and table definitions.

And finally:
session login. >>> Instance of MySQLDriver did not understand #queryEncoding

Any hints appreciated.

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