Why do you not just do something like

[ “complicated code that might fail somewhere in here” ] 
        on: Error 
        do: [:error | nil]

Use the on:do: exception handling to stay safe.

Result := [anObject long chain of messages that might return a nilValue ]
        on: Error do: [:e | nil].

> On Mar 15, 2022, at 11:16 AM, s...@clipperadams.com wrote:
> I had some chaining that was getting too complex due to many nil checks, so I 
> started to refactor using a Null Object.
> However, I’m struggling a bit with the refactor due to inlining. Since 
> #ifNil: variants might be inlined, it seems that something like:
> anObject with a long chain of messages ifNotNil: [ :result | “…” ]
> must be changed into something like:
> anObject with a long chain of messages isNil ifFalse: [ anObject with a long 
> chain of messages “…” ].
> Obviously, I can use a temp to have:
> result := anObject with a long chain of messages.
> result isNil ifFalse: [ result “…” ].
> But both seem ugly and make me question using this pattern.
> What am I missing?
> After 40+ years of Moore’s Law, can we turn off these inlines by default?

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