Howdy all


I am making progress with quite a large application which relies heavily on 

( but Spec2 is such a big learning curve for me – especially given the 
incomplete documentation… 😊)


I am currently struggling with the following issue:

I have a SpTablePresenter which shows a collection of domain objects 
(subclassed from Model). 

The domain object are instances of ‘Asset’ which is a relatively simple class.

The table works fine.


Now, I need to be able to update some columns , but I don’t think I want to 
build a separate form for doing classic CRUD operations. 

(There is no need for create or delete functionality – so an in-situ update 
seems desirable…).


I’ve made a start using  SpStringTableColumn >> beEditable and 


But I can’t see how to work out what row and column has changed,  and how I can 
update the corresponding Asset instance(s).

It thought it would be handled using #whenModelChanged: but there are models in 
many places (and at several levels in the Spec hierarchy)…

I’ve tried following it all the way down to the adapters and morphs but I can’t 
see how the freshly edited cell interacts with the model or announcements.


(BTW - It doesn’t look like the ‘selected item’ features are appropriate since 
you can do edits in other rows regardless of what row is/isn’t selected.)


Is there a correct and/or elegant way to detect these cell changes in a 
SpTablePresenter and apply them to my domain objects…?








From: Mark O'Donoghue <> 
Sent: Sunday, 4 July 2021 5:26 PM
Subject: Question about Spec2 and SpTablePresenter


Howdy all


I’ve got stuck trying to manage Tables – over 12 hours now and I’m out of 
ideas!. ☹


Any observations / suggestions  are most welcome…


I’ve been loading small external files of transactions using NeoCSV into Spec2 

I am trying to use Fuel to persist the table contents so that my application 
will re-load the working state from where I finished in the last session.

(I’ve opted for Fuel as a simple alternative to having to do the whole object 
relational mapping thing.)


The idea is that transactions (and potentially some manual adjustments) will be 
processed over time.

(This is preferable to having to reload all files from the beginning evert time 
I run the application…)


The Spec2 tables have been working well until I tried to persist them. 

I can’t seem to fully re-load them to a previously saved state.


For example - I can restore the essential contents of my table  in most 
circumstances using: 




                “filePresenter1 is a SpTablePresenter”


                | objects savedEntry |


                objects := CpPersist restoreObjectsFromFileNamed: 


                recentFileList                     := objects at: 1.

                currFileFilter                       := objects at: 2.

                savedEntry                          := objects at: 3.


                self updateFilterButton: currFileFilter.


                filteredFileList := self filterFilesUsing: currFileFilter. 


                filePresenter1 items: filteredFileList.



ifNotNil: [filePresenter1 selectItem: savedEntry ].



However, if any of the table columns are re-sorted , the re-load operation gets 
confused and I can’t get the saved a saved selected item to become selected 


(It seems to be confusing the index numbers of the sorted and unsorted lists – 
even when I match by contents rather than index.)

(I also created an equality test to ensure equivalent entries are recognised by 
the #= operation in the list of the underlying model ).


This all works fine - unless I sort a column!


Since this approach was going to be used on several screens I’d really like to 
find a solution.




Perth, Western Australia


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