Hi Esteban

Thanks for the hint.
It is still not working.
Even if I remove BaselineOfMyProject and MyProject.
When it reloads, it doesn't loads the last version of head at github but
the one that was already at the image.

I just want to update up to what is at gibhub head. Is there another way?



On Sat, Apr 23, 2022 at 1:56 AM Esteban Lorenzano <esteba...@netc.eu> wrote:

> Hi Emilio,
> You need something like this:
>   Metacello new
>         repository: 'github://pharo-spec/Spec:Pharo10';
>         baseline: 'Spec2';
>         onConflict: [ :e | e useIncoming ];
>         onUpgrade: [ :e | e useIncoming ];
>         ignoreImage;
>         load
> ignoreImage, onConflict, onUpgrade.
> BUT if your image already has a baseline for your project then Metacello
> will not reload it (hence your project may not be loaded correctly, since
> baseline may have changed).
> In that case, I always execute before something like:
> #( 'BaselineOfSpec2' 'BaselineOfSpecCore' ) do: [ :each |
>       (RPackageOrganizer default packageNamed: each ifAbsent: [ nil ])
>               ifNotNil: [ :aPackage | aPackage removeFromSystem ] ]
> I ack this is hacky, but it works :)
> Esteban
> On Apr 23 2022, at 3:21 am, Emilio Oca <emilio...@gmail.com> wrote:
> Hi List
> I need some help with Metacello, and may be git too
> I would like to be able to, in a running headless image, load the last
> commit of a git repo
> Something like
> Metacello new baseline:'MyProject';
> repository: 'github://myUser/MyProject:main/myProject';
> load.
> works just once and may open some dialogs
> Something like this
> [
> [
> Metacello new baseline:'MyProject';
> repository: 'github://myUser/MyProject:main/myProject';
> onConflictUseIncoming;
> load.
> ] on: MetacelloSkipDirtyPackageLoad do: [ :ex | ex resume: false ].
> ] on: MCMergeOrLoadWarning do: [ :ex | ex load ].
> Avoids the dialogs and alerts but the code is still not updated.
> My intention is to be able to 'refresh' a running seaside image with its
> latest development version from a git repo (avoiding to personally reach
> the server and rebuild the docker image)
> What am I missing?
> Best
> Emilio

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