This is on the Cincom site regarding OmniBase:

#### Licence Agreement

The OmniBase object database is provided as it is and with all faults, known or 
unknown. The source code and other information contained in the source code 
package is COPYRIGHT (C) by David Gorisek (the author). Portions of the source 
code can not be used without prior author’s written permission. OmniBase object 
database is licenced and sold under a ‘per developer sit’ licence model. You 
may install and use an unlimited number of copies of OmniBase object database 
on computers, including workstations, terminals  or other digital electronic 
devices to design, develop, and test your software application(s), however, you 
must acquire and  dedicate a license for each separate developer who is 
developing software using OmniBase. A license for the OmniBase object database 
may not be shared or used concurrently by different users. In no event shall 
the author be liable for any special, incidental, indirect, punitive or 
consequential damages whatsoever arising out of or in any way related to the 
use of or inability to use the OmniBase object database. By using the OmniBase 
object database you accept this licence agreement and the fact that you are 
using the database at your own risk. The author reserves all rights not 
expressly granted to you in this License agreement. The OmniBase object 
database is protected by copyright laws of the Republic of Slovenia and other 
intellectual property laws and treaties.

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