May have some syntax wrong, but something like:
  find . -name *.changes -exec “grep -i webscrap “

Check the manpage of find command for exec examples. The -i on grep ignores
uppercase/lowercase differences. HTH

On Tue, Mar 21, 2023 at 11:55 AM Siemen Baader <>

> Hi,
> I'm looking for some code I wrote maybe 7 years ago. A web scraper that
> collected data from a specific web shop. It must be somewhere in my home
> dir in an image, perhaps Pharo 4.0, or in .mcz files stored by Monticello.
> What would be a good way to search for it? I tried
> `grep -r --include \*.changes "" ~`
> (I also asked ChatGPT as per the previous discussion on this list, and it
> tries its best to teach me about grep and sound very convincing while
> providing me with arguments that grep can't evaluate :))
> with no luck so far.
> Any ideas?
> Thanks,
> Siemen

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