Hi Norbert and guys on the list,
I finally made the suggestion Norbert gave me (see here: 
 ) working.

There was something to tune in:
1) The SSL binding here https://github.com/PierceNg/OpenSSL-Pharo that's 
working on Pharo 10 is the pharo9 one. This one: 
Metacello new  baseline: 'OpenSSL';  repository: 
'github://PierceNg/OpenSSL-Pharo:openssl_1_1_pharo9/src-st';  load  the 
previous one (github://PierceNg/OpenSSL-Pharo:openssl_1_1/src-st) does not work 
with Pharo 10, it gives a DNU on LcLibCrypto>>moduleName.

2) The code Norbert suggested 
 should be implemented in a subclass of LcLibCrypto
LcLibCrypto subclass: #MyCrypto instanceVariableNames: '' classVariableNames: 
'' package: 'MyPackage'

3) Call the method pbkdf2Password: aPlainPassword salt: aSalt iterations: 
someIterations keySize: aSize using uniqueInstance, i.e. MyCrypto 
uniqueInstance pbkdf2Password: aPlainPassword salt: aSalt iterations: 
someIterations keySize: aSize

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