Thank you, Frank. I'll try your suggestion.

El dom, 7 jul 2024 a las 6:19, vfclists (<>) escribió:

> On Fri, 5 Jul 2024 at 10:39, Rafael Luque <>
> wrote:
>> Hi all,
>> I'm struggling with a small parser using PetitParser2. Here is a fragment
>> of some of the rules I'm defining but their behaviour is not as I could
>> expect:
>> andKeyword := 'and' asPParser trim, #letter asPParser not.
>> notKeyword := 'not' asPParser trim, #letter asPParser not.
>> keyword := andKeyword / notKeyword.
>> nonKeywordIdentifier := keyword not, #letter asPParser, #word asPParser
>> star.
>> word := nonKeywordIdentifier, #blank asPParser star.
>> words := word star.
>> The behaviour of the "nonKeywordIdentifier" is the expected:
>> identifier end parse: 'hello'. "It parses successfully"
>> identifier end parse: 'and'. "It fails as 'and' is a keyword"
>> However the "words" rule's behavior is the following:
>> words end parse: 'hello Pharo'. "It parses successfully"
>> words end parse: 'hello and bye'. "It parses, when I would expect it
>> fails because of 'and' is a keyword"
>> I don't understand why the "words" rule works this way, but I'm starting
>> with PetitParser. Any suggestions?
>> Thank  you.
> You might consider asking on stackoverflow.
> A PetitParser2 question has been answered there recently.
> --
> Frank Church
> =======================

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