Richi Jennings [RJA] wrote:

> Looks like has an unsecured redirector.

I recall seeing one of these a few weeks back, and IIRC, my conclusion 
was that eBay _per se_ does not really have a redirector problem here.

In fact, its problem is much worse -- the folk it chooses to do 
business with...

> href=3D";47586106;12593038;l?";><FONT

The first redirector ( (now) 
matches the domain from the "loc" value to "partner" via some server-
side lookup.  It doesn't match the whole URL though -- tsk, tsk...

The second redirector (;47586106;12593038;l) is 
really where the problem lies.  It's wide open to abuse, and is very 
regularly so abused.

Sadly, despite the name apparently linking it to eBay, that is 
DoubleClick, now owned by Google -- two companies whose main business 
model is primarily based around monetizing redirectors while not caring 
enough to take the effort to make them NOT open redirectors.

I know eBay is aware of this, as I've pointed it out to them several 
times before, but I guess allowing your brand name to be used by a 
flagrant net-abuse promoter means you will end looking like a net-abuse 
promoter yourself, but without the -- ahem -- "benefit" of drawing some 
marginal revenue therefrom...

I suspect that the only way this will get fixed anytime soon is for the 
abuse RBLs to add to their block lists, as the URIs 
that can be abused are nearly infinitely morphable.


Nick FitzGerald

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