Okay, maybe I'm biased since I'm now editing the CAPS journal, "The Sound 
Box," but in my opinion it was an excellent show in every respect. The CAPS 
seems to be growing steadily, and it is now equivalent in size to the east 
coast shows (Union still dominates all of them). It is also attracting more and 
more out of state visitors every year. What makes the CAPS show so much more 
special than the others is the "early buyer" opening on Saturday afternoon 
during setup, and especially the banquet on Saturday night. No other group does 
such an entertaining and informative event. The banquet is a great opportunity 
relax and chat with friends. The quality of the meal itself has improved 
significantly in the past couple of years with a new caterer handling it. It's 
pretty remarkable considering they serve 100 people! What really sets the 
apart is that each year a speaker is invited to give an informative 
presentation. This year's guest speaker was Jack Stanley, director of the Menlo 
Museum in Edison, NJ. Jack is incredibly knowledgeable about Edison, and he 
a hugely entertaining talk about Edison -- the man versus the myth. I'm sure 
everyone in attendance will agree that it was a sensational presentation.

The show itself, like others of its kind, offers something for everyone. 
There were huge amounts of records, all sorts of parts, and machines ranging 
common fixer-uppers to gorgeous high-end showpieces. In short, it was a lot of 

The CAPS board, and especially Bruce Peterson who handles most aspects of the 
show and banquet each year, deserve kudos for the great job they do.

Best regards,
Rene Rondeau
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From s...@clarphon.com  Mon Aug 23 20:13:03 2004
From: s...@clarphon.com (Stan Stanford)
Date: Sun Dec 24 13:09:46 2006
Subject: [Phono-L] CAPS show report wanted!
References: <7ebcb54b-f565-11d8-9fcd-000393c78...@alamedanet.net>
Message-ID: <001501c48988$44f32700$0200a...@stan>

I attended the CAPS show and had a great time.   There were interesting
machines for sale and I was able to sell a nice machine, extra parts, and
smaller items.   It was a great show for me.   The CAPS leadership is very
friendly and helpful.   The banquet speaker from the Edison site was
outstanding.   I encourage all to put it on your calendar for next year!!
It's always the second weekend in August.

Stan Stanford
 Portland, OR

----- Original Message -----
From: "Peter Fraser" <pjfra...@alamedanet.net>
To: "Antique Phonograph List" <Phono-l@oldcrank.org>
Sent: Monday, August 23, 2004 5:35 PM
Subject: [Phono-L] CAPS show report wanted!

> Gang -
> Remarkably, not one posting has arrived telling us how wonderful, or
> crappy, or whatever-in-between, the CAPS show of a couple weekends ago
> may have been.
> So what gives?  did anybody go?  If you did, please share your
> observations, complaints and brags with us!
> -- Peter
> pjfra...@alamedanet.net
> "To announce that there must be no criticism of the president, or that
> we are to stand by the president, right or wrong, is not only
> unpatriotic and servile, but is morally treasonable to the American
> public."
> -- Theodore Roosevelt, speaking on President Wilson's crackdown on
> dissent after the U.S. entered W.W.I
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