I'm trying to fix an Edison Standard model D and it is giving me fits.
It has the top carriage and diamond B reproducer, and the 2-4 min
gearing.  It had a swollen pot metal bearing which I replaced without
difficulty.  However, I discovered other problems. There was a lot of
vibration. The shock absorber spring on the governor was broken so the
governor was made into a fixed end type.  And I believe it had the wrong
governor springs on it.  They were a heavy, pre-bent form.  I put a set
of lighter, straight springs on.  That cured the vibration but the last
problem remains.  It slows down about half way through a cylinder.  I
replaced the belt, using a thin supple leather.  Everything seems to
turn/slide freely.  I've altered the tension on the half nut spring, all
to no avail.  I even swapped the spring out with another I had.  NO
change.  So, what am I missing/doing wrong here?


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