I am wondering about the following:
1.  Why are there always so many two-horned crapophones from China on eBay?
2.  Do they make their money on the shipping costs, which usually are over 
three hundred dollars U.S.?
3.  What does it really cost to ship an average (?) crapophone from China to 
the U.S.?
4.  How many people are fooled by this stuff each month?
4.  How can we stop this nonsense? (I know we can't, but it sure would be nice)

From diamondisk...@aol.com  Sat Sep 16 13:48:54 2006
From: diamondisk...@aol.com (diamondisk...@aol.com)
Date: Sun Dec 24 13:11:52 2006
Subject: [Phono-L] Phono-L and Censorship
Message-ID: <c22.47e33c3.323db...@aol.com>

The only censorship I've seen at work on Phono-L is the self-censorship of  
list members, who refrain from making posts that are derogatory towards other  
members, or put forth strongly held opinions in ways that are not  
constructive, (Edison Rules! Victor Sucks! etc.)
The folks on this list are very knowledgeable, and are willing to  share 
their knowledge for the good of the hobby. This is one of the most mature,  and 
friendly e-mail lists on the web. I hope the person who complained checked  
to see the responses to his post.
Randy Minor

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