> Does Phono-L accept 'for sale' emails or should we stick to  sharing
> phonographic info?
> Thanks,,,
>  Joan

For  sale postings are most welcome here!

What a great response for me! Thanks!! We have been interested, and  
collecting since 1986, and now, with age, I am ready to downsize  collecting, 
giving up caring or learning! (Hubby Bill helped me so much  with my caring, 
along the way).
 To see collectibles go to a local auction, instead of going to  distant 
'carers' was always a hard thought for me.
Over the years, MAPS friends visited us, and I sold things, one-on-one  thru 
snail mail than advanced to the computer, without yet selling on  E-Bay.
My dream is to sell to those who are also interested while I can enjoy  
'seeing it' happen, for so many times I have read of collectors not enjoying  
part of the venture....or like the email I saved concerning the theft from  
the Seiters home, in MI! Betsy and Floyd shared so much with phonograph friends 
over the years in MAPS!!
Although we don't have many rare collectibles, but along the way gathered a  
little bit of everything, from lots Phonographs to 'all' types records, to  
postcards, books, miniatures,nipper, related stamps, even Edison's death mask  
from 'Yesterday Once Again".
If anyone on list is ever in southern PA, Dover, and wants to visit  soon, 
please email me to set tyme.
If members are looking for a certain 78, D.D. or cylinder, maybe I have it,  
also just email me!
Part of the fun of our hobby is seeing>> collectibles going to a  future good 
Till than, 
enjoy life,,,
Joan                          Responses  appreciated!                         
       Thanks Loran,,,,,,,

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