I have a beautiful mahogany "L" door Victrola cabinet
that is missing the raised motor board, motor (Vic V
type), turntable, crank, and gold Exhibition
reproducer.  Everything else is there including the
horn, tonearm, and all the knobs.  The mahogany finish
is in excellent "collector quality" condition.  I
would like to buy a motor and other needed parts or
sell what I have.  Does anyone have a Vic V type motor
for sale?  It's a machine that is worthy of
completing.  I would be willing to buy a junker
machine if it has the correct parts.  If I don't have
any luck locating parts, I'll sell what I have.  If
anyone can help or has any interest, please contact me
off list or call 541-974-2836 (days) or 541-926-2843
(evenings).  Thanks, Jerry Blais

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