Hi Jerry
  i had a great time too. I almost didn't go because I had such a heavy 
schedule this weekend, but I paid for a table and my friend Mike convinced me 
to come. I grabbed about one box worth of good cylinders, and a Columbia 
Grafonola, which was all I had ready to sell, and I ended up almost selling 
out! Comparing that to the last two years when I have taken several nice 
machines and only sold maybe one, and that makes this year's show great. I did 
hear from several that they thought it was slow, and I did see many dealers 
packing up early, but maybe the slower pace was what made it great. I only see 
some of these dealers and collectors once a year, so there's a lot of catching 
up to do.
  There were some very nice machines there this year; Pat Jones had made a haul 
and brought some really nice stuff in. Also the Oliphants had their usual 
mixture of stuff, and I noticed that their prices were especially good this 
year it seems. I bought an absolutely gorgeous Diamond Disc A-250 from them 
(the one that looks like an Amberola 1A for a fantastically low price. It is a 
real jewel of a machine. It also has the horn painted to look like mahogany, 
and it didn't have any grille cloth originally. I removed the new grille cloth 
that had been tacked onto the back, because the horn paint is extremely well 
preserved. There were lots of cylinders, 2 minte and 4; last year I don't 
remember there being many 2 minute wax at all. I bought about 15 or so, an some 
Diamond Discs. There weren't as many parts this year, I don't think, and the 
Wyatt's weren't there, unfortunately. Charley Hummel was there, and Tom 
Hawthorne, it is always nice to see them, and of course Jerry Blais!
  Good show all around.
  John Robles

DeeDee Blais <deedeebl...@yahoo.com> wrote:
  I just returned from the CAPS show and wondered how
other people enjoyed the sale. I thought it was the
best CAPS event ever. The banquet with guest speakers
Joan and Rob Rolf was very interesting. The sale had
more machines and records than any prior California
event. I had a good time and was glad I attended. 
Jerry Blais

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