The wood crate inside the cardboard box works well as long as the contents can 
stand shocks.  I have 
used this also.

On Thu, 15 Feb 2007 16:19:45 -0800 (PST), David Dazer wrote:

>It seems to me, the market could stand a company that will ship antiques and 
>provide proper 
packaging.  Part of it would be gentle handling and not expect it should drop 
off of a conveyor belt 6 feet 
to the floor or stand a 100 pound package dropping on it.  I sold a $600 clock 
on Ebay last year and built 
a wooden crate to put it in.  The crate then went into a cardboard box.  The 
clock arrived safely and the 
buyer was very happy.  On the plus side, each phono that gets destroyed by UPS 
means more repair 
parts available and our remaining phonos must be worth more. :)
>  Dave
>Phono-L mailing list

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