at one point a few years back, we owned a total of 11 1A's.  I did not keep 
good records on each of them, but I do recall that one of them had the 
"double swoop" lid and the bottom of the door was straight with an 
additional straight board under the door and it had cloven feet.  It was in 
oak and was a late serial number.  By the way, I do have a correct flat 
dolphin key for the very early 1A's if you know of anyone needing one.  I 
bought it at Union a few years ago for three hundred dollars as I recall. 
----- Original Message ----- 
From: <>
To: <phono-l at>
Sent: Monday, November 03, 2008 4:53 PM
Subject: Re: [Phono-L] Research: Amberolas 1A and 1B

> Bob,
> Thanks - I thought 1284 must have a smooth lid based on its other 
> characteristics. I'll be sure you get a copy of the research results, but 
> of course the best method is to subscribe to The Sound Box and have the 
> benefit of 6 or 7 other articles (certainly more interesting than mine!) 
> in each quarterly issue!? Just go to to subscribe.? You 
> won't be sorry - - it's the best publication in our hobby.? Rene Rondeau 
> does a great job as Editor, and I hear that the next issue will have an 
> article on early Edison/Keller coin-ops by Allen Koenigsberg, and an 
> article on Sonora by Bob Baumbach (plus another half-dozen or so 
> articles).? You won't be sorry.
> Thanks again, Bob - -
> Best,
> George Paul
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