here is a friend of mines comment on a new move by ebay
any one else care to comment
""""""This is simply  the text (below, in blue) of a quick message I sent to 
eBay on their "Contact  Us" website option.  Earlier today I spent a half-hour 
on-line with an eBay  helper person, trying to get an answer to my question.  
It took "Vickie"  almost 30 minutes to verify that the problem could not be 
Now I am sharing this info with friends who use eBay.  I was  disappointed to 
learn that a useful feature has been eliminated.  When  watching or bidding 
on items, there were formerly several buttons from which to  choose, including 
"delete from list" or "compare" or "add a note."  I used  the comment button 
to add my thoughts, like whether I was sniping the item; my  maximum potential 
bid; real name and past satisfsaction of/with the seller;  suggested value of 
a specific record in guide books; recent sale prices of a  similar item;  
whether I already own 1 or more examples; person or friend  who has been 
this item; errors or omissions in the seller's  description; etc.  Just another 
unfortunate move by eBay.  I am not  surprised that their revenue and user 
satisfasction are both  declining. """""""

**************Great Deals on Dell Laptops. Starting at $499. 
From  Sun Feb  1 06:50:38 2009
From: (Brian Walter)
Date: Sun Feb  1 06:59:54 2009
Subject: [Phono-L] [SPAM] Question To Post
Message-ID: <d5f367da8541413db2bac747b68a0...@brian4b2c06c9e>

"Little Dancer"
    Just recently obtained a German Bing "Little Dancer" phonograph. I have 
searched the web for information, but found very little.Is there any 
information out there where I am not looking. One picture in the last 
Fabrizio-Paul book. The reproducer on this one seems wrong. It has a nickel 
plated cover where the rest of the phonograph is painted. Would like to see an 
original. Also, what would be the best way to clean the paint from smoke and 
Brian Walter, Muscatine, Iowa
From  Sun Feb  1 12:32:42 2009
From: (Abe Feder)
Date: Sun Feb  1 12:32:53 2009
Subject: [SPAM] [Phono-L] [SPAM] Question To Post
In-Reply-To: <d5f367da8541413db2bac747b68a0...@brian4b2c06c9e>
References: <d5f367da8541413db2bac747b68a0...@brian4b2c06c9e>
Message-ID: <>

Hi Brian,
I do art restration for a living and use many different types of chemicals
to clean smoke and dirt from paint. I would start with Kotton Cleanser -but
do not use paper towels, rags or steel wool-use cotton balls. put some on a
cotton ball and use a circular motion. do not try to clean every bit on the
first pass. Do the entire item then wipe down with mineral spirts.Let dry
and repeat.
If this does not clean it up in the manner you are looking for let me know.
Abe Feder
On Sun, Feb 1, 2009 at 7:50 AM, Brian Walter <> wrote:

> "Little Dancer"
>    Just recently obtained a German Bing "Little Dancer" phonograph. I have
> searched the web for information, but found very little.Is there any
> information out there where I am not looking. One picture in the last
> Fabrizio-Paul book. The reproducer on this one seems wrong. It has a nickel
> plated cover where the rest of the phonograph is painted. Would like to see
> an original. Also, what would be the best way to clean the paint from smoke
> and dirt?
> Thanks,
> Brian Walter, Muscatine, Iowa
> _______________________________________________
> Phono-L mailing list
From  Sun Feb  1 19:29:15 2009
From: (
Date: Sun Feb  1 19:30:27 2009
Subject: [Phono-L] Victrola XVI cabinet - Craigslist Near Seattle, WA
Message-ID: <>

I just was this on craigslist. Just in case someone is interested (it 
is not mine).

John Curry
5702 Parkview Lane
Everett, WA  98203 

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