In 1960 a friend had restored a Wurlitzer model 1500 and invited me over to 
 see it.
The first record he played intrigued me with its lyrics and catchy  tune.
It was called "Riding on the Elevated Railroad".  I have looked for 50  
years for this tune again and just recently found the lyrics on a Google search 
 locating them on some forum. 
The original was written by minstrel Sam Devere in 1878 and a variant  
released by Winfred (Wendy) L. Holt in the 1930s according to the forum. It was 
most likely sung to the then popular tune "Riding on a Railroad Car"
The record I heard must have been a later release most likely in the 40s as 
 It sounded like an electronically
recorded 78 with very good bass.  
I sure would like to have at least a copy of the audio if not an  actual 78 
like the one I heard 50 years ago.
Any help to this end appreciated.  I'll try to post link to the  Lyrics.
Don in Iowa.   (tubadon40 at         Link here? 
        It's  about the 9th entry by Charly Noble
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