The Thursday parking lot pre-sale was always fun but I don't think it was a 
real problem.  The problem was created by early buyers that showed up in the 
parking lot, opened their vehicle and started selling. Some sellers simply 
showed up in the parking lot, sold items, and then went home. The Donleys 
received nothing for their efforts and investment. Another problem were buyers 
and sellers that showed up on Wednesday then Tuesday and even Monday. The 
Donleys use the facility for other events and the parking lot was partially 
occupied by phono nerds. The solution was to end Thursday parking lot sales. I 
visited the Church sale as a buyer and it was hardly more than a social event. 
There were maybe six or eight sellers and sales appeared dismal.  I saw a few 
dollars exchange hands for a Gem horn and that was about it.  I doubt if it 
survives. Unless I'm blackballed from Union, I won't go back. If you think 
about it, everyone has the same chance to make a
 great buy when the show opens early Friday morning. That seems fair to me.  
Happy collecting, Jerry Blais

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