I once let a couple of collectors from Thousand Oaks CA come over and I showed 
them several records, including a pink Lambert that was in an edison box. They 
bought some records, and later I discovered they pulled a switch on me ad stole 
the Lambert. I later discovered they had a shady reputation. I have not heard 
of either one for a long time. Maybe they moved on to new territory where their 
reputation did not precede them..
John Robles 
-----Original Message-----
From: Sean Miller <smil...@nycap.rr.com>
Sender: phono-l-boun...@oldcrank.org
Date: Fri, 10 Dec 2010 19:37:55 
To: Antique Phonograph List<phono-l@oldcrank.org>
Reply-To: Antique Phonograph List <phono-l@oldcrank.org>
Subject: Re: [Phono-L] Once upon a time,

So true.  I once opened my home to an out of town collector for a weekend and 
let him run wild in my record "archive" trusting he would be careful and bring 
things upstairs to play (as he did).  I noticed a couple of months later when 
looking on the shelves for a certain disc that it was gone, later, I discovered 
others were gone as well.  One bad apple....


On Dec 10, 2010, at 7:33 PM, Kurt Nauck wrote:

> I visited the home of a long-time collector in New Jersey. He had passed 
> away, and his sister was handling the estate. She told me that some months 
> earlier, a particular fellow showed up to look at the collection (presumably 
> at her invitation). He was given access to the rooms containing the 
> phonographs and records. He wound up buying some records from her, but when 
> he was loading up, she noticed that he had also helped himself to some other 
> items that were not part of the deal. She confronted him about this obvious 
> theft, he got angry, hopped in his vehicle and took off. She didn't recover 
> the items.
> Most of the people associated with this hobby are wonderful folks that you 
> could let loose in your collection while you went grocery shopping. But not 
> all.
> Kurt Nauck
> c/o Nauck's Vintage Records
> 22004 Sherrod Ln.
> Spring, TX  77389
> Website: www.78rpm.com
> E-Mail: na...@78rpm.com
> www.newpledge.org
> www.mdada.org
> Phone: (281) 288-7826
> Fax: (425) 930-6862
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