>>>Are you using a particular software that's geared for cataloguing, or 
>>>standard applications like Word or Excel?



When I started out with this data base, I was using Appleworks. :-)  
That  was back in 1983.  I have since moved on into the PC world and in the 
early 1990's I converted the entire database to MS Works.  Over the years I've 
saved it to the newer versions of Work.  Just their plain old data base.  

I set up columns for Item, Serial number or Record number, Description, Photo 
number(s), Price paid, Name of seller, Email of seller, Address, Phone number 
(when available).

In the photo column, I use this column to list the photo number.  

For example, with an Edison Standard A , I have taken several pics of it.  I 
name the pics CM 1, CM2, CM3, etc.  "CM" standing for cylinder machine.  You 
can use your own codes, or you can just use numbers alone.  I've saved these to 
a picture file. 

Most importantly, I save these files on several different USB pocket drives.  
Backing up is a MUST.

Yes, I know that there ARE programs you can buy that can do 
this.....but........not everyone has these programs, and if you are visiting a 
collector or friend, you can just take out your pocket drive from your wallet 
and show it on their computer. 

Hope this helps someone.


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