The sign was the only way John's friends could get money out of him. Steve
> What a great story and what a great bunch of friends to have.  My friends 
> only want to borrow money...
> Dave
> --- On Sun, 9/4/11, john robles <> wrote:
> From: john robles <>
> Subject: Re: [Phono-L] My phonograph room
> To: "Antique Phonograph List" <>
> Date: Sunday, September 4, 2011, 8:37 AM
> Thanks Dave. Scott Corbett had that sign made for me and there is a story 
> behind the sign. I was selling at the CAPS show several years ago, and this 
> guy (Gary Dial) wandered by my table. He was perusing my stuff, and he picked 
> up my card. He did a double take, and said "Your name is Robles?" I said 
> yes..he said "Oh I have something at my table you need to see!" He hurried me 
> over to his table and there was the sign. I gasped when I saw it, especially 
> because I knew of no Robles House of Music in Ventura back in the day. I said 
> "I have to have that, how much is it?" He said he'd left me have it for $75. 
> I paid him and made the rounds with it showing all my friends, who showed 
> proper astonishment. A little later I got back to my table and had it 
> displayed behind me. Pretty soon I noticed several of my friends gathered 
> around the table grinning..and it sank in! I had been pranked!! Gary came up 
> and gave me my money back, saying he had to charge me what he
>  thought would be a realistic amount, that he couldn't charge me only $20 or 
> so because he thought that would make me suspicious.
> It was a great joke and I treasure that sign and the great friendships with 
> all the people that were in on it.
> John
> ________________________________
> From: David Dazer <>
> To: Antique Phonograph List <>
> Sent: Sunday, September 4, 2011 4:14 AM
> Subject: Re: [Phono-L] My phonograph room
> Very nice, John.  I especially like the replica old time sign. What a great 
> little item.
> Dave
> --- On Sun, 9/4/11, john robles <> wrote:
> From: john robles <>
> Subject: [Phono-L] My phonograph room
> To: "phonolist" <>
> Date: Sunday, September 4, 2011, 3:21 AM
> Here is a link to pics of my phonograph room and machines. I don't have much 
> room so I don't have many machines, but I enjoy what I have. Double click on 
> the pics to enlarge them and read the comments. If you have a photobucket 
> account I'd like to see some of your collections!
> John Robles
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