Having only been to the Orlando Show once before I thought the new location 
much better, Bob & Richard & crew did a great job & the new indoor parking lot 
was outstanding ! When the doors opened to early buyers there was a good number 
of people who not only looked but bought, I sold not only to long time 
collectors but to a few New buyers as well. I can't speak for the other dealers 
but I had a very good show & look forward to next year. 
 Hello Jim,
I hope the new location remains the same next year, this was much nicer.
I have attended all the Orlando Shows since 2002 when I moved to Kissimmee.  
This year the cost was $20 for both days, it included early buyer on the second 
day as well which allowed you to get in at 7 am on Saturday instead of 8 am.  
The $20 included a buffet on the first day and coffee and pastry on the morning 
of the second day.  I do not know how Bob and Richard were able to stretch the 
$20 that far but this was a huge bargain.  Admission for 8 AM on Saturday was 
$8.00, for $12 more you got to eat twice and in early on Saturday.  
The new location allowed Day 1 to be indoors, this benefitted me so my bald 
spot would not get sunburned and indoors is better because you never know what 
the weather will be like.  It was easier for the dealers because the room was 
more accessible.  The staff was very friendly and had a menu that you could 
order food from.  

I go to the shows to visit with people, this year I purchased two reproducers 
and picked up reproducer parts from Ron Sitko.  
Joan Rolfs gets EXTRA special mention this year, I picked up reproducers to 
rebuild, a standard speaker and a 2/4 Rex from a US of Cleveland machine and 
placed them in a bag which I left on Marty's table.  The show closed and in a 
panic I went back in searching Don's table,  Joan told me I could not buy as I 
was lifting up the cloth cover on Don Gfell's display where I was looking.  I 
told Joan my situation and 30 seconds later I had the bag back.  
All those years of looking for Nipper has her eyesight sharpened to superhero 
status.  I always enjoy seeing Joan because of her cheerful disposition which 
has always reminded me of the Florida sunshine.  This year she saved me from a 
heart attack.  
I saw an Excelsior, three Operas, a very nice Credenza with an electric motor 
with a restored reproducer that was amazing, an A1, and prices were very good.  
DEALERS.  I always ask Ron Haring how the show went for him since he is a full 
time dealer and I know him very well.  Ron is excellent because he buys at 
prices so he can afford to sell things at a good price as well.  He said he 
really liked the new setup because it increased his sales above normal and it 
was so much easier to set up.  The last place did not have side doors right to 
the lot, even the front entrance was much nicer.  
I like Ron Haring because he has always been fair and helpful.  There were no 
dealers at the Orlando show I do not like.  Bob Cole is excellent because of 
his low prices.  This is a hobby to him and he is wonderful as well.  Don Gfell 
is another dealer I have known for many years and the horn he restored for me 
was wonderful in all ways.  Marty,  Joe Filer, and Charley Hummel are wonderful 
as well.  It is worth the admission to see what Charley can fit in the suitcase 
he flies down with.  
Richard Brown,  Bob Cole and their families are the reason we have the show so 
a special thanks to them for taking over for Harry.  Harry Ruer showed up for a 
few minutes, that was very nice.  
If you are a dealer consider attending the show next year, it will only get 
better and this year was excellent.  My wife forgot the camera, so hopefully we 
will have some photos from someone.  
I thoroughly enjoyed the show and am looking forward to next year.  I met Rob 
Lomas who said he would have his new reproducers at the show next year, another 
reason to go.   You have Rob Mallet, Ron Sitko, (does not have a table), the 
Rolfs, and Steve Andersen with his wonderful display of Polyphone machines.  I 
did not know what a licensed Polyphone was until this show, or that there were 
three different types.   Orlando is a very nice show because of the friendly 
atmosphere created by its founder and those who carry on.  It is not the 
largest, but it remains the nicest.  Over the years I have met many interesting 
people in person like Paul Baker, Lew Green, Kurt Nauck, George Vollema, Don 
Gfell, Bob Foster, the Rolfs, Rob Lomas, Charley Hummel, and Ron Sitko.  When 
people think of the show they think of buying and selling but never forget all 
the years of experience available in addition so things you would never 
normally see.   I am poor with names, so I have left people o
 ut like Bill and David Boruff, Bob Kolba, and Jim Galoppa who is one of the 
nicest people you will ever meet.  The good thing is he is like most phono 
people.   I look forward to meeting new people at the show next year, it was 
very nice this year and will be much better next for those who visit. Steve 
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